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About Kirrawe

Kirrawe Indigenous Corporation is a not-for-profit community based organisation providing culturally responsive services and support to meet the needs of Indigenous communities living in South East Queensland.


The Corporation is a registered Charity and has Public Benevolent Institution and Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status.


Kirrawe is dedicated to closing the gap and rebuilding those lives affected by the cycles of inter-generational trauma due to loss of Kin, Country, community, and culture.


The Directors of Kirrawe believe that cultural identity and important relational connections are the birth right of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child and is what they need to prosper and grow strong.


Through culturally inclusive service delivery Kirrawe provides clients with the tools necessary to move forward in their lives by culturally appropriate services, support and programs:

  • Youth Programs 
  • Family Support 
  • Workshops & cultural events

Kirrawe acknowledges the diversity of Aboriginal communities and ensures that all services are innovative, creative, and healing-based. 

Working together with Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, Kirrawe is committed to providing strong leadership to influence social change. The future direction of Kirrawe is built on this leadership and ensures our purpose is achieved in a culturally sensitive manner.

Kirrawe aims to be an accountable, responsible, compassionate organization providing quality services and support to disadvantaged Indigenous families and individuals in need.

Kirrawe provides a safe-haven where those in need, can feel welcome and comfortable while having their needs met in a culturally appropriate environment.