Kirrawe programs are holistic and based on connections, culture, community, change – our relationships with Elders and to Country essential for our social and emotional wellbeing – for our cultural healing – our understanding of our place in the world – our relationships to the living landscape, to the seen and unseen – our pride in being First Nations peoples.
Suicide Intervention – we know within our communities there is often tragedy, none more so, than when a person takes their own life. Suicide does not just affect the family, it affects the whole community. Kirrawe supports LivingWorks Australia with their ASIST and IASIST intervention workshops – training developed specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Hearts & Hugs Program – came from a very inspirational young person who spoke about her ‘life in care’ while attending a Kirrawe camp. Fostered from a very early age, she has lived in multiple foster and residential care placements over her time in the welfare system. She spoke of constantly feeling alone, and of her sadness believing that no one truly cared about her. The idea of ‘Hearts & Hugs’ grew from that story, as in the telling, we thought of all the other young people in ‘care’ who may be experiencing similar thoughts and feelings. Hearts & Hugs is not intended to provide a home for a young person or replace any family members; just connections and positive relationships at a time most young people need it the most.
Hearts & hugs takes mentoring to another level. Young people do not live with the mentor family, but form connections. It is about bringing love, care and support to a young person from people/families who may or may not be biologically related. All H&H applicants will be screened, trained and will have Blue cards. We are currently looking for support for this program.
Kirrawe Indigenous Mentoring Service (KIMS) – was piloted in 2014 as a way of bringing belonging and connections into the lives of our youth, our future leaders. In an Indigenous context, mentoring is a particularly promising initiative because it fits well with Indigenous teaching and learning styles and can help to build strong collective ties within the community.
The Kirrawe Kidz Program was the idea of a young Kamilaroi person, who had a dream and wanted to make it a reality (read below).