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Our Story

Kirrawe Indigenous Corporation became incorporated in August 2010, under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006, in response to community need as identified in the Gold Coast Community Priority Report, Indigenous Communities Response to ‘Closing the Gap’, GOLD COAST, July 2009 – July 2011.

The Management Committee

The Committee is made up of five Directors with the majority being Indigenous. Several are from or descended from Stolen Generations. 

Governance: Secretary/Contact Person, Treasurer, Directors


Two Directors attended Governance training completing Certificate IV in Business (Governance) through ORIC (Office of the Registrar Indigenous Corporations).

CEO Dr Rosemary Norman-Hill

Kirrawe Indigenous Corporation is managed by Dr Norman-Hill, whose extensive career has spanned across  Governments (Federal and State), and in the community sector. Dr Norman-Hill has spent many years working with Indigenous communities, managing projects and programs to bring cultural connectedness into the lives of youth, while strengthening families to keep children safe at home.

With bloodlines to the Darug and Dharawal Nations, Dr Norman-Hill is the founder of Kirrawe Indigenous Corporation. 

An Aboriginal Social Scientist, Suicide ASIST & IASIST Trainer, counsellor,  researcher, historian and consultant, Dr Norman-Hill began her career in human services working in child protection. While completing her undergraduate degree Dr Norman-Hill established and managed an Indigenous Child Protection/Family Support /Foster Care agency before moving to Canberra in the inaugural recruitment of Indigenous Graduates to the Australian Public Service.

Dr Norman-Hill has participated at State, National and International levels on Boards and Ministerial appointments, and was selected by the Government to represent Australia at the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at the United Nations, New York.

Dr Norman-Hill is an advocate for the rights of families to raise their children and for young people in the state welfare system to be placed with their kin instead of living in residential care. 

Educational achievements include a Doctor of Indigenous Philosophies; Bachelor of Social Science; Diploma of Applied Science; Diploma of Management; Certificate IV Volunteer Program Coordination; Certificate IV Frontline Management; Certificate IV Training and Assessment; Certificate IV Business (Governance).

Significant Achievements

International: United Nations New York – Australian Government Delegate at the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW56).

National: National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples – Delegate Chamber Two.

Educational: Southern Cross University Nominee – Outstanding Alumnus of the Year.

City of Gold Coast Australia Day Nominee – Cultural Endeavors.

Board Appointments:

– Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA) National Executive Committee
– Riding for the Disabled Association of Australia (RDAA) National Executive Committee
– Secretariat National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC) National Executive Committee

– Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA) QLD/NT Chairperson
– Queensland Council of Social Services (QCOSS)
– Secretariat Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Care (SQATSICC)
– Queensland State Foster Care Committee & Queensland Association of Fostering Services